Our purpose is to help our customers to become reference brands; therefore, we offer our creativity allied to a practical mindset, which guarantees realistic solutions delivered within the desired time and budget.

We attend the design market, consulting and retail businesses since 2001. Our specialty is to provide architecture services, interior design and project and construction site management, based on our knowledge of branding (brands and consumers) and construction. We believe that the integration of disciplines reduces costs and execution times.

Our creative team is formed by business units in Brazil, Buenos Aires, Miami and Guimarães (Portugal). This allows us to develop a specific market approach for each retail challenge, and tell a new story to each delivered unit.

Liana Guedes, the founding architect of Guedes Arquitetura, works since 2001 with her team of architects, designers and engineers to make dreams come true.
A wide range of customers and excellent reputation led her to work with international investors, where, consequently, established professional alliances to work in several cities in the world, as São Paulo, Miami, Buenos Aires, Mexico City and Guimarães (Portugal).
Bachelor´s degree of Architecture and Urbanism in Brazil, she attended at “Art and Design“ at St. Giles International School (London). She became expert in “Interior design” at UTFPR (Curitiba/Brazil) and “Interior & Shop Design“ at IED – Instituto Europeo di Design (Milan-Italy), where she found her vocation for retail projects.
Influenced by the modernist functionalism, she glides through contemporaneous like one who listens to Bossa Nova. She excels for simplistic and functional ambiances, with a mixture of materials and textures. She believes that diversity is what makes a room more attractive and cozy.

Liana Guedes, the founding architect of Guedes Arquitetura, works since 2001 with her team of architects, designers and engineers to make dreams come true.
A wide range of customers and excellent reputation led her to work with international investors, where, consequently, established professional alliances to work in several cities in the world, as São Paulo, Miami, Buenos Aires, Mexico City and Guimarães (Portugal).
Bachelor´s degree of Architecture and Urbanism in Brazil, she attended at “Art and Design“ at St. Giles International School (London). She became expert in “Interior design” at UTFPR (Curitiba/Brazil) and “Interior & Shop Design“ at IED – Instituto Europeo di Design (Milan-Italy), where she found her vocation for retail projects.
Influenced by the modernist functionalism, she glides through contemporaneous like one who listens to Bossa Nova. She excels for simplistic and functional ambiances, with a mixture of materials and textures. She believes that diversity is what makes a room more attractive and cozy.